2015年5月15日(JST)より開始されたDefcon CTF 23の予選(オンラインCTF)のWriteUpとかをまとめます。
Writeup (1) Baby's First
babycmd 1point
- DEFCON CTF 23 babycmd by BATA_24
- r0pbaby & babycmd writeups Defcon prequal
- Defcon 23 CTF Quals 2015 – Babycmd writeup | sysexit
- LegitBs 2015 DefCon quals BabyCmd by @mrexcessive WHA & James Nock WHA
- pwn.rb
- LockBoxx: DefCon CTF 2015 Quals WriteUp: BabyCmd and MathWhiz
- DefConCTF 2015 Quals - Babycmd Writeup - GeeksSpeak Team Blog
- DefCon 2015 Quals Babycmd - VulnHub CTF Team - Capture the Flag Events: Write Ups and Shenanigans
- babycmd by Bono-iPad
- DEF CON 2015 Quals - babycmd (1pt) writeup :: mrt-prodz
- DEFCON CTF 23予選 Write-up (解説付き(すこし)) - 犬アイコンのみっきー
- https://github.com/rentjongteam/write-ups-2015/tree/master/def-con-quals-2015/babycmd
babyecho 1point
- DEFCON CTF 23 babyecho by BATA_24
- Hello, Stranger :D :: exploit DEFCON CTF Qualifier 2015, babyecho Writeups
- DefConCTF 2015 Quals - Babyecho Writeup - GeeksSpeak Team Blog
- DefCon 2015 Quals Babyecho - VulnHub CTF Team - Capture the Flag Events: Write Ups and Shenanigans
- babyecho by Bono-iPad
- DEFCON CTF 23予選 Write-up (解説付き(すこし)) - 犬アイコンのみっきー
- https://github.com/rentjongteam/write-ups-2015/tree/master/def-con-quals-2015/babyecho
- https://github.com/ctfs/write-ups-2015/tree/master/defcon-qualifier-ctf-2015/babys-first/babyecho
mathwhiz 1point
- DEFCON CTF 23 mathwhiz by BATA_24
- Defcon Quals 2015 - matwiz (writeup) by rick 2600
- LockBoxx: DefCon CTF 2015 Quals WriteUp: BabyCmd and MathWhiz
- DefConCTF 2015 Quals - Mathwize Writeup - GeeksSpeak Team Blog
- DefCon 2015 Quals Mathwhiz - VulnHub CTF Team - Capture the Flag Events: Write Ups and Shenanigans
- mathwiz by Bono-iPad
- DEF CON 2015 Quals - mathwhiz (1pt) writeup :: mrt-prodz
- https://github.com/rentjongteam/write-ups-2015/tree/master/def-con-quals-2015/mathwiz
r0pbaby 1point
- DEFCON CTF 23 r0pbaby by BATA_24
- r0pbaby & babycmd writeups Defcon prequal
- defcon 2015 r0pbaby Writeup by MarshMallow_sh
- http://box.haxx.in/~blasty/e9b52923e5b8dfefdc917bb88a92843ac4dbe4a7/r0pbaby_xpl.py
- DEF CON CTF Quals 2015: r0pbaby by smokeleeteveryday
- DefConCTF 2015 Quals - ROPBaby Writeup - GeeksSpeak Team Blog
- r0pbaby by Bono-iPad
Writeup (2) Coding Challenge
catwestern 1point
catwestern_631d7907670909fc4df2defc13f2057c.quals.shallweplayaga.me 9999
- DEFCON CTF 23 catwestern by BATA_24
- DEFCON 2015 by emyei
- Defcon Quals 2015 - catwestern (writeup) by rick2600
- DEF CON CTF Quals 2015: catwestern by smokeleeteveryday
- DEFCON CTF [catwestern] by CYBERGURU
- fritz's lair: Writeup: Coding @ DEFCON CTF Quals 2015
- Hello, Stranger :D :: coding DEFCON CTF Qualifier 2015, catwestern Writeups
- Capture the Swag: Defcon CTF 2015 - Cat western - 1 Point Coding Challenge
- DefConCTF 2015 Quals - Catwestern Writeup - GeeksSpeak Team Blog
- catwestern by Bono-iPad
- DEFCON CTF 23 Quals – catwestern Writeup | みむらの手記手帳
- DEFCON CTF 23予選 Write-up (解説付き(すこし)) - 犬アイコンのみっきー
- https://github.com/rentjongteam/write-ups-2015/tree/master/def-con-quals-2015/catwestern
- software security blog: Defcon 2015 coding skillz 1 writeup
Writeup (3) Pwnable
cybergrandsandbox 2point
[You'll need these](http://repo.cybergrandchallenge.com/boxes/)
[Pwn This](http://downloads.notmalware.ru/cybergrandsandbox_e722a7ec2ad46b9fb8472db37cb95713)
[This launches it](http://downloads.notmalware.ru/cybergrandsandbox_launcher_cf878d2811220c8793ae9b132d7fd490)
- cybergrandsandbox writeup Defcon prequal
- defconctf2015_cybergrandsandbox.py by jgor
- [Write up] DEFCON CTF 2015 – wwtv , cybergrandsandbox | BabyPhD CTF Team
- DEF CON CTF Qual 2015 CyberGrandSandbox by shinh
- https://github.com/rentjongteam/write-ups-2015/tree/master/def-con-quals-2015/cybergrandsandbox
wibbly wobbly timey wimey 2point
Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey
Don't blink!
fuckup 3point
twentyfiveseventy 3point
heapsoffun 4point
If you have been knockedup then you know what to do. Perhaps try "tirer"
sha1sum heapsoffun
5ee5b2cde811e617cd789c73c1d8d2d9e8b27c36Yes we know the flag is owned by root.
tensixtyseven 4point
thing2 4point
We have a special guest challenge from thing2.
AppJailLauncher.exe /key:key /port:8200 DconQuals.exe
hackercalc 5point
int3rupted 5point
Connect to int3rupted_3bb8f10793b82841c44a366eb9f27223.quals.shallweplayaga.me, port 0xcccc
secrf 6point
Writeup (4) Reverse Engineering
access control 1point
It's all about who you know and what you want.
access_control_server_f380fcad6e9b2cdb3c73c651824222dc.quals.shallweplayaga.me:17069[Download Client](http://downloads.notmalware.ru/client_197010ce28dffd35bf00ffc56e3aeb9f)
- DEF CON CTF Quals 2015: accesscontrol by smokeleeteveryday
- DefConCTF 2015 Quals - Access Control Writeup - GeeksSpeak Team Blog
- DEF CON 2015 Quals - access control (1pt) writeup :: mrt-prodz
- DEF CON CTF Qual 2015 access control by shinh
- https://github.com/rentjongteam/write-ups-2015/tree/master/def-con-quals-2015/access-control
knockedupd 1point
You went and got it knockedup.
pr0dk3y 2point
Crack me at
klug 3point
Scrambler 3point
hint: The time of image generation matches the start of the game which can also be viewed on the quals registration page.
shitcpu 3point
Writeup (5) Web
Waiting for your Touch 2point
HTTP Basic:
username: come-on-and-slam
password: welcome-to-japan
Writeup (6) Miscellaneous
blackbox 2point
Open the box at blackbox_ced7f267475a0299446fa86c26d77161.quals.shallweplayaga.me:18324
patcher 3point
Patch the binary from cybergrandsandbox, and submit it [here](http://patcher_2b00042f7481c7b056c4b410d28f33c1.quals.shallweplayaga.me/patcher/)
[Patch This](http://downloads.notmalware.ru/cybergrandsandbox_e722a7ec2ad46b9fb8472db37cb95713)